As my senior year at GEHS is coming to an end, I felt like it would be an excellent idea to look back at each month of my senior year and give it a rating out of ten.
August was a very short month. We started at the very end, but, I managed to get Lana Del Rey concert tickets on the 2nd day of school, so I give August a 10/10
September was definitely a month of anticipation because My Lana concert was on October 5th, I was very stressed with my dual enrollment classes, but I managed to calm down. The school parking lot was also finished, but I was given a spot near the back, which was absolutely awful. Overall, I give September a 6.5/10 because it wasn’t really exciting at all.
Moving on, October was definitely a month to remember. Just seeing Lana Del Rey live already made the month a 10/10, but there were so many other factors such as Friday Night Lights, my last homecoming (which was sort of sad, but easy to get over), and Halloween. Without a doubt, October definitely deserves a 10/10.
There really isn’t much to look back on for November. I was sick for the first week of the month so I had a lot of schoolwork to focus on. Now that I think about it, besides Thanksgiving, the only fun activity I participated in was going to the tree lighting in downtown Lewisburg with my two closest friends. Overall, it’s fair to give November a solid 3.5/10.
December was a month of joy milestones. My best friend and I got to make gingerbread houses in our food prep class, which is one of my favorite activities. My friend group threw a cute Christmas party, I got tinsel in my hair for the first time, I celebrated my 18th birthday with my closest friends at Hill and Holler, and you can’t forget about Christmas and New Year’s. December rates a solid 10/10.
January was a month of fear, isolation, and snow. Right around the time we came back from holiday break, I got into an accident on the interstate (it was not my fault) so I had to get a new windshield for my car. Shortly after that, exam season rolled around at school. Thankfully for me, I was exempt and I was supposed to have 6 days off. Those 6 days turned into practically 3 weeks because of a snow storm that hit. This wasn’t terrible because I love snow, but I hated not being able to see my friends for almost a week. Overall, I give January a 3.5/10. My rating would have been lower if it weren’t for the snow.
February was a really boring month. The highlight was when my friend group had a huge Valentines Day party. I ended up getting the flu at the end of the month, which sucked. I give February a 4/10.
March was an epic month. The beginning was slow, but once spring break rolled around I was doing something fun everyday. I took a girls trip to Roanoke, a trip to Beckley, celebrated Easter, and my little lunch group got Cafeteria Students of the Week. Overall, March gets an 8/10.
April was a well-rounded month. I gave a keynote speech for National Honor Society, My best friend Gypsy turned 18, and I took a theater trip to Stanton Virginia and went to the Shakespeare Center. Lastly, we had College Decision Day and Greenbrier Scholars. I give April a 10/10.
As of now, May has been a great month. Graduation is right around the corner and just today I had my Senior Walk at Lewisburg Elementary School. I also decided to take on pickle-ball. As of this writing, May gets a 9/10.
Averaging all of the months together, my official senior year rating comes out to an 8.5/10! I am satisfied!