What’s the Deal With the Parking Lot?

Kayla Buckmaster

Our lovely parking lot, which I ran to while it was lightly snowing, and very cold.

Kayla Buckmaster, Staff Writer

Have you ever wondered if all of the money from student parking permits goes toward the parking lot? I talked to Mr. Routson about the parking lot, where our money goes, and what’s done with the extra. I was curious about the situation because it seemed like a gray area; however, after speaking to our principal I feel differently.

Most of the permit money goes toward the parking lot, but some goes toward small purchases such as updating the scholar plaques. All of the money not spent refilling holes goes into an account, which currently has a balance of roughly $25,000. Approximately 200-220 students buy parking permits each year, which nets the school around $11,000 annually. The school usually spends around $5,000 each year on patching up the parking lot. Mr. Routson is a big advocate for paving the parking lot once enough money is saved. It should cost around $40,000.