Do you believe in Santa Claus? I believed until the age of eight. Because I think the experience is amazing, I feel as if most kids should believe–although some parents struggle with whether it is right to maintain the illusion.
Some adults with children may de-emphasize Santa because they can’t afford to play Santa to the extent others can, while others just don’t care about something that’s not “real.” They may even believe they would be lying to their children by encouraging belief in Santa.
English teacher Kim King said she remembered when she believed and it was “magical.” When asked if she thought encouraging kids to believe in Santa Claus was a form of lying, King said she doesn’t think it’s lying on any level; rather, it is “make-believe” that encourages the imagination. She expressed the opinion that children should find out the truth in their own time, as there is no age limit on believing in Santa Claus. “Why ruin a kid’s imagination?” King said. “Let them be kids.”
I feel the same way as King, but what is your opinion on guiding kids to believe in Santa Claus? What was your experience of believing or not believing? Leave us a comment!
lara • Jan 15, 2024 at 7:53 pm
no i don’t becausa is did not put chritmas prestents in my tree