Eco-friendly Christmas Gifts!
For those in favor of reducing your carbon footprint and keeping the Earth clean this Christmas, this article is for you.
“Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps, means a little bit more.” – The Grinch
December 15, 2020
While the Christmas season is a fun and exciting time of the year for humans, the same can’t be said for our environment. Those who celebrate this holiday often participate in gift exchanges with friends, family, or peers. Considering the wrapping paper, non recyclable plastic, sweatshops in full force, and mass carbon emissions from convenient delivery strategies, Christmas is arguably the most destructive time of the year. For those in favor of reducing your carbon footprint and keeping the Earth clean this Christmas, this article is for you.
By traveling and ordering gifts online you increase your own carbon footprint by increasing the amount of travel. How can you fix this? Try shopping locally, of course! Gift cards to local coffee shops or purchases from small businesses not only help out the owners, but the Earth too. If you’re afraid of contracting the coronavirus you can step partway into the online world and check out small shops and second-hand stores on apps such as Etsy, Depop, thredUP, and more!
The more time and effort spent on a gift, the more meaningful, whether this means baking cookies or making a long-lasting present. This year try upcycling and creating a gift from supplies you can find at home. The less convenient the gift is the more likely it’ll be thrown out, so try to match the gift with what that person needs, rather than what they want. Avoid using immediate disposable products and tools to reduce overall waste.