French Trip to Quebec
March 9, 2020
The French class recently took a trip to Quebec, Canada on February 7th through the 12th. We learned a lot of the history of Quebec, which all of us really enjoyed; we also got to eat the different types of food in Quebec. Almost everyone said dogsledding was their favorite out of the many activities we we did. The kennel had over 200 dogs of many different breeds. Each sled had 5 dogs: 2 in the front of the line, 1 in the middle, and 2 in the back. You could really tell that the dogs loved doing their job because when you had to stop the sled to put distance between you and the person in front of you, the dogs would turn around and bark continuously until you started going again.
Another activity we got to do was tobogganing. Tobogganing is the activity or pastime of sliding downhill over snow on a toboggan (sled). This activity was one of my favorites, and it is something I would definitely do again. We were given three tickets that would allow us to go three times, and got into a line. When we finally got our toboggan, we had to go up to the top of a a very steep hill where there were sections for you to slide down on. The toboggans went way faster than I expected, and it was scary the first time but was much more fun the second time.
We got to try many different foods that are big parts of Canadian culture. My favorite food was definitely poutine. Originally I was very grossed out by the thought of gravy and cheese on french fries, but once I tried it I loved it. I originally thought the cheese would be melted but it was actually white cheddar cheese curds, and I was pleasantly surprised by that. Another food I tried was sushi. I have had sushi before, and it is one of my favorite foods, but the sushi there was the best I have ever had. I’m not quite sure why it was so good, but I could eat so much sushi from there. One last food I tried was pea soup at a sugar shack. That was the best soup I have ever had. I ate so much of it, and I would definitely eat a lot more if I had the chance.
If you ever have the chance, I do suggest you go on a trip and enjoy the different cultures around the world. Try the new foods, do things you wouldn’t do at home, try to speak different languages, and fully enjoy the adventure of experiencing a different culture.