Leap Year
Do you ever wonder why February was the month picked for leap year?

Leap year occurs every four years.
February 10, 2020
Leap year is a year that has 366 days. We have leap year because our calendar is in alignment with Earth’s revolutions around the sun, so every four years we get an extra day–February 29th. Do you ever wonder why February was the month picked for leap year? Well according to The Independent, “February was chosen as the month to have the leap day as it is the only month without 30 or 31 days. It has long been suggested that February only has 28 days due to the jealousy of Roman emperors. According to the theory, the second month of the year had 30 days before the reign of Roman Emperor Augustus.”
Believe it or not, a lot of people have a birthday on leap day. Bustle claims that 187,000 people were born on the 29th, but that was published in 2016, so the number has most likely gone up. I think leap year is pretty interesting. I think that it’s weird but kinda cool that we do this every four years to match up the revolutions of the sun. It’s very important that we have this; otherwise, the sun would come out at different times and time would all be messed up. I hope that everyone enjoys their leap day, and happy birthday to those who were born on the 29th!