Re-imagined Time Packets
I don’t know about you, but I do a lot more work during Re-imagined Time than I do on a regular school day.
January 27, 2020
It’s the beginning of the year and that means…the weather is going to get worse. In-climate weather means the teachers are going to make you download those stupid Re-imagined Time packets. Once we download the packets, we begin to worry that the weather won’t be bad enough for the teachers to stay home, but bad enough for us not to come. And then what? Then we are stuck at home working on our packets for HOURS. Is the packet work really equivalent to the work we do in class?
I don’t know about you, but I do a lot more work during Re-imagined Time than I do on a regular school day. It’s not that I don’t do work in my classes, but we have a lot more discussion about what we are going over in class. Re-imagined packets are supposed to be made up of review work, but many times we are presented worksheets with material we haven’t learned yet, or is unrelated to our in-class work. It is time-consuming trying to figure it out by looking it up on the internet. Yes, we can email the teachers at school, but that is impractical and ineffective. Isn’t there a better solution to making up snow day work?
A better plan for our district would be for teachers to assign shorter worksheets strictly related to lessons we’ve already done in class. Teachers should go over the work when we return to school, then continue their lessons. Too often, Re-imagined Time work is graded too harshly; therefore, all teachers should give a participation grade only.