Goals for the New Year

January 10, 2020
A new year is upon us, which means the old is gone and the new is here. Not only is it a new year but it’s a new decade, which is a great time to work those long-term goals! Long-term goals may take years to accomplish.
Ask yourself where you’re going to be in the years to come. What do you want your future to look like? Build your goals from your broad ideas, then write down specific goals.
Short-term and long-terms goals are different; separate them so your efforts are focused on the right areas, and tackle one goal at a time. Assess your goal and make sure it’s manageable–if you know it’s unrealistic, get rid of it. Set up a timetable for your goal and subgoals. It helps to set a date that you would like to achieve your goal by. This can help you stay focused and committed. Work on your self-discipline and keep careful track of your progress.
These last three tips are the most important. Identify obstacles you might encounter. Over the years you’ll be working toward this goal, numerous things can go wrong and you have to know how to handle them and get through them. You must stay motivated throughout this whole period and never give up. You can take breaks and rest regularly to stay relaxed and motivated. There is no reason you can’t enjoy working towards your goal even though the road may be bumpy. In the end we all know it’s worth it.